Smiling faces can also encourage gullibility and decrease skepticism

Smiling faces can also encourage gullibility and decrease skepticism. The decrease in depressed symptoms and widespread good feelings appear to be highly effective in enhancing an individual’s appeal in the mating arena. Research indicates that individuals often have an aversion …

Potential source of gullibility is the near-universal tendency for humans

Potential source of gullibility is the near-universal tendency for humans to accept rather than reject incoming information. Following philosophical reasoning, there is now strong evidence to suggest that the human being is born a natural “believer”. Information received tends to …

Issue of gullibility in public life has gained a lot of attention

In recent years, the issue of gullibility in public life has gained a lot of attention. It’s possible that gullibility contributed to the election of politicians like Trump. His critics consider his fans to be naive for endorsing a young …

Strong self regarding sentiments must be combined for some ideal of behavior

Strong self regarding sentiments must be combined with strong sentiments for some ideal of behavior in order to generate moral character in the fullest sense. These sentiments must also have transcended reliance on the opinions of the majority of people, …

Religion demonstrates the gradual development of this intricate feeling

The history of religion demonstrates the gradual development of this intricate feeling. Primitive religion maintained a distinction between the awe-inspiring powers and the benevolent ones that evoked thanks. Only after a lengthy history of religious doctrine did it manage to …

Animals exhibit instinctive behavior in its most pure form

Animals with low intellect levels exhibit instinctive behavior in its most pure form. Few instinctual ways of behavior in higher vertebrate animals remain simply instinctive that is, unaffected by intellect or habits learned through intelligence or imitation. And even the …